Confluence 17–18 Nov 2021

Alison Boyle


Talking top project tips

Respond to challenges, mingle, meet collaborators

By speedily working through 5 Tips at the session you will test how unique and workable your project idea is and how good a match to Arts Council England’s funding. Via the super-speedy session break-outs you might find just the perfect new collaborators to make it happen after Confluence.

Alison Boyle Arts Council England

Alison Boyle provides literature advice for Arts Council England. Her work spans the Northwest and Northeast regions and covers indie publishers, writing and reading development, festivals, literature+ (digital and other media) and collaborations in England and further afield. She was an editor and publisher of books, magazines and online content in London, Oxford and Bath, working for five years on international awards for digital technology in education before moving back to the North.